This term we’ve kindly been invited to submit some art work to St. Ives School for their Spring Art competition. The competition is for pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes. Being limited to select only 3 pieces of work from each year group I have had a very tricky job deciding upon our entries.
After much deliberation I am delighted to announce that the following pupils work has been selected and will represent Amesbury School in the exhibition at St. Ives School on Thursday 27 February 2020.
Reception: Charlie Ta, Ottilie & Henry A
Year 1: Emilia, Annabel & Charlotte T
Year 2: Juno, Chloe C & Saul
These pupils and their parents are invited to attend the private viewing and prize giving ceremony on the 27th from 5:30 – 6:30pm.
Well done to all pupils in Reception, Year 1 & 2 who have been working so hard in their Art lessons and producing some amazing work, and huge congratulations to the pupils whose work will be on show.
Mrs Tristram, Head of Visual Arts