Won 9 ½ – 3 ½
Batter of the match: Jemima
Fielder of the match: Ellie
Lady of the match: Elsie
The weather in the morning looks promising, however we were unfortunately greeted with rain just before the match started. We did manage to get 1 innings of a rounders match in before the decision was made to call it off due to the pitches being too wet. Cecily was captain for Amesbury and won the toss, therefore choosing to field first. As the game progressed it was clear the ball was becoming very wet, however Elsie continued to bowl well to the opposition. Rebecca worked brilliantly as backstop with some lovely passing back to Elsie and Amelia on 2nd post. Cecily had quick reactions and stumped a player out at 1st post. Amelia was always watching the ball and ready to stump at 2nd post, communicating well with the rest of the team. Ellie and Isabelle had their hands ready for a catch and were quick to move their feet when the ball came near them. Jemima, Alice and Hattie all worked hard at fielding the ball back into the diamond as quickly as possible, preventing PGS from scoring too many rounders.
As the Amesbury came up to bat, Hattie showed PGS that Amesbury were here to win, scoring the first rounder. Rebecca and Amelia also scored a rounder each after making contact with the ball. Elsie, Cecily, Jemima and Ellie all went on to score half a rounder each which really put the team in a good position. Although it was a wet game, the girls continued to play with enthusiasm and although disappointed not to be able to continue the game, were delighted at the thought of match teas. Well done girls.
Miss Williams