U10B Rounders v West Hill Park: 26 April - Amesbury School
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U10B Rounders v West Hill Park: 26 April

U10B Rounders vs West Hill Park Won 21 – 9 ½ Batter of the match: Lissie Knox Fielder of the match: Emily Anderson


It was a chilly afternoon for the first match of the season, but the girls didn’t let this bother them and they all played a fantastic match! Amesbury started off fielding against West Hill Park, all the girls working fantastically together. Some great passing between the girls helped keep the opposition’s score to a minimum. As well as this, Emily displayed some awesome and consistent bowling throughout the match, making it difficult for West Hill Park to score.

When it came for Amesbury to bat, the girls gave it their all, using both their skills and tactics to score a massive 21 rounders for the match. Well done to Lissie who battered superbly and wasn’t afraid to take some risks, which paid off with her scoring several rounders! A great game played by all the girls. Well done, you should all be very proud of your efforts!

Sarah O’Sullivan, Gap Student

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