Match Reports: Wednesday 7 March 2018 - Amesbury School
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Under 11A Girls’ Hockey v Dunhurst

Won 4-1

Lady of the match: Jazzy

Player’s Player: Katie

A great match today for the U11A’s. The attacking play was strong from the outset, with Jazzy making some great runs up the pitch and managing to distribute the ball wide. Katie took advantage of this early on to give us a 1-0 lead, thanks to a lovely shot into the left corner. Laura, Lucy and Raffy were steady in defence, clearing the ball confidently and taking 16yd hit outs really well. While Anna, Lyla and Charlotte worked the midfield really well, finding space and moving into it confidently. Katie managed to pop another goal away with a superb lifted shot to give us a 2-0 lead. While Lyla and Clara also added to the score sheet thanks to their persistence and determination in the circle.

Well done girls on a great game.

Mrs Dover

Under 11A Girls’ v Ripley Court

Won 1-0

Lady of the match: Alice A

Player’s Player: Jazzy

Another great match for the girls against a stronger RC side. The girls had tired legs by this point, however, they still retained the pressure with great tackles and lots of chasing back. The game remained a 0-0 draw for much of the game, despite some valiant efforts. Laura, Lucy and Raffy had much to do in defence but didn’t let the team down. While Alice should be mentioned here for making some outstanding saves in goal; she was calm yet strong throughout. Charlotte made some lovely moves up the wing and was unlucky not to score towards the end of the match. Katie once again worked her socks off in the circle and was rewarded for this hardwork with a lovely goal in the dying minutes to thankfully give us the 1-0 win.

Well done to the whole squad.

Mrs Dover


2nd Girls Hockey v Ripley Court

Lost: 3-1

Players Player – Isabella

Lady of the Match – Anabelle

The 2nd Team travelled to Ripley Court on Wednesday afternoon, luckily there was no snow and the sun even came out!

It was a grass match and in the warm up the girls quickly realised that the match was going to be very different. In the 1st half, Ripley Court kept possession and it made it hard for the 2nd team to make a tackle. However, there was great defendibg from Lottie and Charlie. There were some super saves from Anabelle and one in the second half where she dived made a save and then Sammy cleared the ball from the line. At half time the score was 2-0.

Sammy as captain said the challenge was to each make at least 5 tackles. In the second half, from a side line, Sammy passed to Isabella and she scored a cracking goal from the top of the D. The mid field players, Jenny and Immy worked together to drive the ball into the attacking half.

An exciting 2nd half with the result ending 1-1, final score 3-1.

Mrs Page


U10C’s hockey vs Highfield

Score: Amesbury 1 vs 5 Highfield

The opening game of the season was a much anticipated occasion. With the challenge of a grass pitch the boys were up against it. The opening exchanges were largely dictated to by Highfield using their grass experience to full advantage. Our defence fought hard but three errors cost us three quick goals. The second half however, was much improved. The boys settled into the conditions well and quickly profited. A string of great passes gave the boys a one on one with the keeper. With the wind in their sails Amesbury picked up the tempo and showed some urgency. The attack built pressure but we couldn’t manage to finish any chances. In the closing stages two late Highfield goals left score looking more brutal than the boys deserved.

Report by: Mr O’Reilly


U11B boys hockey v Highfield

The U 11 B team took on Highfield away on the grass last Wednesday and this proved to be quite a different experience to playing on astroturf! We also had a near full size pitch to contend with, so we found that quite a large adjustment to our playing style was needed. The main difficulty was moving the ball sufficiently far and with enough power over the surface. This proved quite difficult for us to achieve, consistently, so we tended to get drawn in, looking for the ball, instead of spreading out and using the space available. Throughout the game we had difficulty getting into the opposition circle, so our shots on goal were limited, whereas Highfield were better at moving the ball through the space and made many more scoring opportunities a number of which they successfully converted. The final score, then, was 0 – 6 to Highfield. In spite of this, our heads never dropped, and I am proud of the way the boys kept trying hard right up to the final whistle.

Mr Lawrence


Under 10 B Girls Hockey

Amesbury v Ripley court

Lady of the match: Amelia

Players player: Tallulah

Score: 3-2

The U10 B girls had a great game today against Ripley Court. Although the girls lost 3-2 the game was very close and the U10 B team played fantastically. The team gave Ripley Court a run for their money as Amesbury are not used to playing on grass, but the girls adapted very well and their team work and communication was great throughout the whole game. The girls were very strong in defence clearing the ball every chance they had, they were tackling brilliantly and never gave up. The midfield players were running non stop moving the ball up the pitch and creating space which allowed the girls up front to have many shots on goal. The girls in the forward positions were receiving the ball and having a crack at goal every chance they got. The girls teamwork and determination in today’s game was great and they were hungry and committed to the ball. Great work girls, well done!

Miss Phillips


U10D boys hockey vs Highfield
W: 2-1
The boys travelled to Highfield ready for their first match of the season, due to the inclement weather. It was also to be their first match and first experience this year playing on grass. The team set to with a will, realising that more power would be needed on a slower moving surface. It was a reasonably even affair in the first half an the scoreline ended at 1-1. In the second half the team gained the upper hand and had much more possession in the opponents half, scoring another goal for their efforts. Highfield attacked in the dying moments of the game but Amesbury held on to secure a 2-1 win.
Mr Randall


4th VII Hockey v Highfield

From the first push back the Amesbury 4th team looked like they meant business. They dominated in defence not allowing Highfield to get anywhere near the goal. Highfield also defended well and so there proved a real battle up front. Several shots narrowly missed or were well saved by the Highfield keeper. Amesbury kept battling and finally got one past the keeper. The final score was 1-0 with all players showing some excellent skill and determination.

Score: 1-0

Report by: Mr Balcombe

2nd VII Hockey v Highfield

It was evident from the start that Highfield were a well drilled outfit and it was going to be tough to beat them. End to end play was the order of the day in the first half with Highfield sneaking one in just before half time. The second half was another end to end affair and although Amesbury gave it their all, Highfield managed to break through twice and score. There were some fantastic passages of play from the Amesbury boys and so plenty to work on as the season progresses.

Score: 1-3

Report by: Mr Balcombe

1st VII Hockey v Highfield

Having waited patiently for their turn to hit the astro turf, the Amesbury 1st VII were eager for victory. The game started and it was immediately apparent that both teams were very evenly matched. Neither team could break each other’s defence until just before half time when Highfield managed to nudge the ball onto the backboard following a frantic goalmouth scramble.

In the second half, Highfield remained solid in defence but were appearing to tire. Amesbury on the other hand began to open up their play and were making some great use of the space out wide. Increasingly Amesbury were making it into the Highfield ‘D’ and eventually their persistence paid off with a fantastic goal.

It was disappointing not to win but the whole team showed some excellent grit and determination.

Score: 1-1

Report by: Mr Balcombe



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