Match Reports: Thursday 5th October 2017 - Amesbury School
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U9A netball v PGS

Drew 6-6

Player’s Player: Ysabel G

Lady of the match: Isobel K

The U9A’s should be so proud of their performance on the netball court today. From the outset they showed commitment and determination.  The marking was tight and they made some lovely well-timed interceptions.  Florence worked hard to mark a very fast PGS centre, sending some lovely overheads into the circle, while Chloe also fought well at WA.  Yssy played her socks off; she leapt to intercept the ball and scored some fantastic goals to give us a strong lead.  Going into the second half, we were leading 4-2.  PGS came back fighting though and started to turn over possession more frequently.  They managed to pull back a 5-5 draw going into the dying minutes.  Amesbury kept up the pressure, however, and managed to pop in a final goal to give us a 6-5 lead.  Unfortunately for us, PGS with seconds to spare, equalised to make the score a 6-6 draw.

Unlucky girls, you dominated the match, but couldn’t quite retain the lead.  Well done on a super performance!   Mrs L Dover


U8C’S football vs Barrow Hills

Score: Amesbury 1-0 Barrow Hills

On a lovely afternoon the U8C’s played a tiring end to end game with many players putting in a lot of yards. The opening ten minute brought little joy with a strong defensive effort by Barrow Hills. Eventually the boys warmed up and started to thread balls into our centre forward. In the final 3 minutes a shot rebound off the keeper straight into our centres feet. A cool finish gave Amesbury the lead. They worked hard in the final few minutes to maintain their lead. A great win.

Report by: Mr O’Reilly


U9B Netball vs PGS

Won 6-0

Players Player:Victoria


The U9 Bs were excited about playing a home match and at the prospect of having parental support. PGS brought 3 teams with them and so just like last week the girls played a mix of PGS b/c teams. Amesbury started strongly scoring 2 quick goals. After that it was a while before the next goal was scored, partly due to the fact that we were not moving enough to get away from our marker. After a quick team chat the girls went out and started to be more energetic, with some great dodging to get free.

At the end of the 3rd quarter Amesbury were 4-0 up. Some well timed interceptions from our defence meant that PGS had very few chances. The communication on court was brilliant and allowed the girls to know where each other were and where to pass to next. In the last quarter, our shooters started to gain confidence and were more willing to just ‘have a go’. This positive attitude resulted in two further goals being scored, which left the score at 6-0 to Amesbury.

Report by: Miss Toynton


U9B & U8A Football vs Barrow Hills

Score: U9B 0-0, U8A 1-1

Another blissful day greeted the Amesbury U9Bs and U8As who were playing a combined match against Barrow Hills. The U9Bs took to the field for the first half and got the game off to a steady start. They battled hard in midfield and made things difficult for the Barrow Hills defence. Despite some fantastic attacking runs and a powerful shot ricocheting off the cross bar, the U9Bs were unable to sneak the ball past the Barrow Hills goalkeeper.

The U8As then stormed onto the pitch for the second half and immediately opened up the play with some beautifully weighted passes down both wings. After some back and forth in midfield, Amesbury managed to made a break and scored and excellent goal. Despite some thundering tackles in midfield, Barrow Hills managed to equalise and there was just not enough time on the clock for Amesbury to grab the winning goal.

A superb, if nail biting, game to watch.  Report by: Mr Balcombe

U8A Netball v PGS

Won 7-0

Lady of the match: Hebe

The girls were very excited to be playing their first ever away match.  The journey down to Portsmouth was very exciting with lots of questions, mainly asking if we were nearly there!  The sun was shining and spirits were very high.  The girls were excited to get on court and start playing.  From the starting whistle they had motivation and plenty of enthusiasm.  Anya, Annie, Poppy and Libby all made brilliant interceptions for the ball.  This week the girls had been focussing on footwork and marking and were now able to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding into a match.  Tilly, Hebe and Anya all marked their players so well, making it very difficult for the opposition to receive the ball.  Poppy, Tilly and Jessica worked hard in centre court showing strong and accurate passing between them.  Libby and Hebe were a solid shooting team.  They moved well into space in the D and scored some amazing goals between them.  A fantastic game for the girls and they should all be really proud of themselves.  Well done!  Mrs Williams


U8B Netball vs PGS
Won 10-0
Lady of the match: Ella
We arrived at PGS on a sunny Thursday afternoon. After a quick warm up the girls were excited to get going. At the end of the first quarter the girls were leading 3-0. Great shooting by Ella and Elodie helped get Amesbury into the lead. Throughout the match there was some great marking and super determination by the girls, as well as some fantastic strong shoulder passing. At half time the score was 6-0. Some great interceptions from Abigail and Alice M helped get the ball back down to their attacking D. Going into the third quarter there were some big changes of positions. Alice Y and Amelia scored some great goals while Freya showed some great catches under pressure when she moved into centre during the third quarter. Even though there was plenty of rotation around positions the girls worked hard as a team and showed good understanding to the different roles.
Mrs Page & Miss O’Sullivan
U8C netball vs PGS
Draw 1-1
Lady of the match: Ottilie and Emily
The U8C were very excited to travel on the mini bus for their first away fixture with PGS. This afternoons match was a slightly different match for them as they played 5 aside on a slightly smaller court. This meant there was a lot more movement and involvement in the game. The girls adapted to this format quickly and tried their best throughout the whole match. At the end of the first quarter the score was 0-0. The ball traveled end to end and both teams had a few close chances at scoring which made the game exciting at. By half time the score was 1-0 to the U8c – a super goal scored by Emily followed by lots of cheering from the sidelines! There was great defending and passing form Ottilie, helping Amesbury keep possession of the ball. Charlotte’s opponent was quick but she persevered to keep up with her. Honor worked hard at centre and frequently marked her player out of the game. As well as this, Emilia showed super commitment at chasing the ball and keeping it in the attacking end. A great 5 aside first match and big improvements made since the start of term.
Mrs Page & Miss O’Sullivan
U9C & U8B football vs Barrow hills
1st half: 4-1. 2nd half: 0-0
A beautiful sunny afternoon for a football match. Due to the numbers at Barrow hills it was decided that each team would play half a game. The U9C team started the match playing some lovely wide balls and motoring up and down the pitch with the ball seemingly glued to the ends of their feet. As a result of this domination of possession they quickly started scoring goals, ending up four ahead before Barrow Hills claimed one back, the score in the 1st half, 4-1 to Amesbury.
In the second half the U8B team took to the pitch hoping to demonstrate their own prowess with the ball. Again there was some beautiful passing and link play, however the new found determination and grit of the Barrow Hills team meant they were unable to make this count on the score sheet, with the score in the 2nd half remaining 0-0.
Report by Mr Randall

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