A warm and well equipped medical centre
Amesbury benefits from a warm and well equipped medical centre, overseen by Head of Mental Health and Wellbeing, Jo Clark, a qualified Registered Nurse. Assisting Jo is Anna Brown, also a registered nurse, who works as the Medical Centre Assistant.
Both professionals possess Adult and Paediatric First Aid certifications and are known as Amesbury’s School Nurses as well as for their wellbeing roles. Situated adjacent to the medical centre are the Wellbeing Hub and the Hub Garden. These spaces provide a nurturing environment where pupils come for a restful break time or can seek additional emotional support and mental health care from Jo and the team.
Dr. Tom Smiley, Amesbury’s dedicated clinical psychologist, visits every Friday and collaborates with Jo in the Wellbeing Hub. Together with the pastoral team, they strive to establish a comprehensive and proactive support system that bridges the gap between school and home.
Jo and Anna promptly respond to any medical concerns that arise during school hours, providing timely and appropriate first aid care within a calm setting. Once assessed, pupils may return to their lessons or be entrusted to the care of their parents/guardians, a doctor, or a hospital, or cared for within the medical centre. It is important to note that the role of the school nurse does not involve diagnosing, recommending, or providing medical advice or remedies beyond the scope of a school nurse. Additionally, the school nurse does not comment on or alter prescribed medical diagnoses or treatment plans. Whenever a child’s medical needs necessitate collaborative care, the school nurse always works closely with parents/guardians and specialist medical teams.
In the event of a significant accident or the need for extensive first aid attention, an electronic accident alert may be sent home via email. This communication is particularly relevant when a head injury or pain relief is involved. Rest assured; parents/guardians can have full confidence that proper first aid protocols are consistently followed.
Should a pupil require prescription medication during school hours, it must be submitted in its original pharmacy packaging, accompanied by a permission slip (available at the School Reception). Our Medical Centre staff will administer the medication as prescribed. During off-site trips and visits, emergency medication will be entrusted to the designated first aider for that particular outing, ensuring a seamless handover from the school nurse. This protocol extends to include prescription inhalers and adrenaline autoinjectors. These essential items, if required, are to be provided at the start of a pupil’s time at Amesbury School and will be stored in the emergency medication lock up, on site. When a pupil enrols at Amesbury, parents are provided with a medical form to complete, offering an opportunity to share any pertinent medical information with the school nurse and the team. This includes disclosing any special dietary requirements. Should your child develop a medical condition while attending Amesbury, please inform the school nurse by emailing medical@amesburyschool.co.uk. The school nurse will then communicate this information with relevant staff members as needed.
Illness & Attendance
We kindly request that if you suspect your child has an infectious illness, please consult a doctor before sending them to school. This precaution applies to certain skin conditions and rashes as well as flu like symptoms or D&V. In the event of a confirmed infectious illness, it is crucial to promptly notify the school nurse.
Please don’t hesitate to inquire about exclusion periods for specific illnesses if you are uncertain. Amesbury adheres to the guidelines set by the Health Protection Agency and the Department of Health’s Infection Control in Schools and other Childcare Settings directive.
If you child falls unwell while at school we will bed them down in our medical centre and keep them rested, warm and monitored until they can go home.