Little Amesbury is housed in a separate, single story building situated in a rural setting with key pad access. There is easy parking to the front of the building and we have ramps leading into the buildings via the pre-nursery room of the main door, there is also a disabled toilet is located next to the Owl’s classroom.
Little Amesbury consists of the following classes:
Babies: 9 months – 2 years
Pre-Nursery: 2-3 years
Nursery: 3-4 years
Pre-School: 4 – Reception age
Reception: 4-5 years
Each class has a separate room and all classes have access to their own toilets, the pre-nursery has a separate nappy changing room and sleep room. All classes have access to outdoor areas where the children are able free-flow. The children mix together in the Reception outside area at playtimes, before class, 10.30am and lunch play, 12.30. The children can also play on the playing fields where lessons are conducted. PE equipment is available for children to use during playtimes and outdoor lesson times. The indoor and outdoor classrooms are fully resourced covering all seven key areas of learning, providing challenging learning opportunities