Preparing for future schools entry


Reasoning is very much a case of ‘practice makes perfect’.

Pupils will be required to sit Reasoning tests for their future schools entry. We believe that by introducing this subject in Year 5 we enable the children to be well prepared for the different senior school entry requirements and to enable them to be confident when sitting these exams. The aim of this department is to both support the undertaking of practice and to enable the children to understand the skills involved in successfully tackling a reasoning paper within a set time.

School children walking away shot

Head of department

Nick Randall has supported children in their preparation for future school and reasoning examinations for the past six years. Despite his background being in Maths, Reasoning has been a subject in which he has enjoyed teaching and developing understanding of strategies both within verbal and non-verbal skills. He is supported by teachers equally experienced in the subject and who have a particular interest in the field.