A freedom of expression through music


Whilst being taught as part of the curriculum, music is also the heartbeat of the school; pupils perform during school services, concerts, Year Group productions, festivals and at numerous events away from school. All pupils are involved in musical performance during their time at the school, and pupils regularly win music awards at their chosen senior school.

Our aim is to provide a culture that allows freedom of expression through music, allowing all to flourish at their own pace and ability.

Music at Amesbury is taught on the curriculum from Nursery to Year 5, within the Performing Arts structure from Years 6 – 8, and through extracurricular activities across the Year Groups.

Individual music lessons are taught on a weekly basis to those who would like them by the peripatetic music team. We currently have provision for instruments from all the orchestral families, piano, drum kit and voice.

No musical taste is left unaccounted for. There are Choirs, Ensembles, Big Band, Orchestra, Flute Choir, String Group as well as a number of rock groups which flourish over the year. M:Tech, an organisation invited to Amesbury, provide music technology lessons as a club during break times.

Image of a pupils hands playing piano