Academically ambitious for all children

We prepare children for the right senior school for them

As a truly independent prep school, we prepare children for the right senior school for the individual child. Over the last three years, Amesbury children have left the school for over 21 different senior schools, a remarkable track record. 

Typical leavers destinations are: Bryanston, Canford, Charterhouse, Churcher’s College, Cranleigh, Ditcham Park, Epsom, Frensham Heights, Guildford High School, Hurst, King Edward’s School Witley, Lord Wandsworth College, Prior’s Field, The Royal Grammar School, Guildford, Seaford College, Sherborne Girls, St Edmund’s, St John’s Leatherhead, St Catherine’s Bramley, Tormead School and Wellington.



Amesbury pupils work towards their Pre Senior Baccalaureate (PSB) in Years 7 & 8. Alongside core academic content PSB allows pupils to focus on developing six key skill areas to equip them to deal with the challenges and opportunities of senior school life and beyond:

1. Communication
2. Collaboration
3. Leadership
4. Independence
5. Reviewing and improving
6. Thinking and learning

The PSB allows pupils to recognise that success can come in
many forms, and pupils’ achievements in a diverse range of
subjects across art, drama, ICT, music, humanities, and sport are all important.  These skills are embedded across children’s learning from pre – prep onwards.

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School children walking away shot

Years 7 & 8        Big fish in a small pond

The benefits of years 7 & 8 in prep school:

  • The ages of 11-13 are crucial developmental times for children, they are going through a myriad of changes emotionally and physically.
  • We believe going through this uncertain time in a comfortable and familiar environment is hugely beneficial.  Children enjoy flourishing at the top end of their school before transitioning to senior school as confident and happy learners.
  • Two extra years in prep school allows for fantastic social and emotional development. Children benefit from being ‘big fish in a small pond’. They can develop at their own pace without the pressure to grow up quickly.
  • When children leave at Year 8 they are well educated, happy young people with the confidence to tackle anything thrown at them. 
  • When a child goes to senior school a part of childhood ends. You will never again feel the same sense of community and belonging that you feel at prep school. At senior school, your input and involvement in the school diminishes.  Being a big fish in a small pond for two more years allows you to savour the last years of precious childhood before embarking on the senior school journey. 


Scholarship Preparation

Children involved in Amesbury’s scholarship program can expect to have an additional 8 hours of study or activity a week during term time preparing for scholarships.  This time includes interview preparation.  See our scholarship track record below to see our scholarship track record over the last three years. 



Academic scholarships


Sports scholarships


Drama scholarships


Dance scholarships


Visual art scholarships

{Our children were happy from the outset. They were nurtured, guided, encouraged, applauded, given the freedom to be themselves and the confidence to grow. They found their feet among their peers and have made rock solid friendships which will last a lifetime. Being happy enabled them to succeed in every aspect of school life and they have benefitted from all the amazing opportunities on offer.
{“I just wanted to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to each and everyone of you who has been involved in my daughter’s education. She has honestly had THE best time at Amesbury and this is all down to the dedication, supportive and truly fabulous teaching team that has surrounded her. So from us to all of you THANK YOU for enabling her to flourish, to give her the confidence to achieve and for all the time and effort you have given her – we could not have asked for anymore.  She is really going to miss Amesbury a decision we have found very difficult to make but we truly believe she is ready for the next exciting chapter in her life but will look back at Amesbury with only the fondest of memories.”
{“My daughter came home beaming, she had an interview with Mr Franklin!  I just wanted to extend my thanks to everyone who has made her feel so welcome at Amesbury after we relocated here from Singapore. Our whole family is absolutely loving Amesbury, we have seen such a positive change in her, even my mum commented how her confidence has grown in such a short time”

Find out more

complete the form here to explore an Amesbury education for your child.