Amesbury tennis Academy
Andy Warry
Head Pro
Andy's Bio
Heading up the tennis programme at The Bourne Club in Farnham, he started the tennis programme at Amesbury nearly 20 ago coaching all age groups and abilities. He relishes teaching a player from as young as 2 years old until they are competing on the tournament circuit.
Andy coaches numerous county and national tennis players including Rachel Morris, the double gold medallist Para-Olympian, and regularly works with the Disability Tennis Programme.
Tennis at Amesbury is all year round
It is said you cannot walk across Amesbury without being hit by a tennis ball, at break time the courts fill with children picking up a racket and playing for the sheer joy. It’s a truly all year round game and played from age 2 upwards. There are currently 7 pro coaches teaching across the school, both tennis and pickleball or ‘paddle’. Regular tournaments are held and children regularly compete in other county and school tournaments. Amesbury is currently the LTA Surrey Primary School of the Year.
Saturday Tennis Club - Open to All
Saturday Tennis Club
Open to all!
Saturday Tennis Club on the courts here at Amesbury School
Times are as follows:
9.30am – 10.00am – 2-4 years Tiny Tots
10.00am – 11.00am 5-8 years
11-00am – 12.00pm 9-11 years
12,00pm – 1.00pm 12 plus
All sessions are £7.50
Bacs payment to J.Jenkins 09 01 28 22491966
Please email Josh Jenkins direct on to join or text him on 07517422818