A huge thanks to all the children, parents and teachers who supported ODD SOCKS DAY on Monday! Lots of Amesbury excitement; a vibrant, positive, strong message of respecting individuality and celebrating difference rippled throughout the school. Amesbury raised over £200 for the Anti- Bullying Alliance and the excellent work they carry out in supporting schools, parents and children in their mission to reduce bullying nationwide.
In assembly Mr. Whybrow spoke to the children about not controlling others by telling them where to sit or who to play with or not. A message of inclusion that all children need to be reminded from time to time.
In classrooms, children have been pledging their support of promoting kindness, looking at the roles within group dynamics and learning how to support others in need. The role of the ‘upstander’ is one of the key roles to ensuring unkindness and bullying is reduced and managed effectively within schools but also in the wider society.
It is also important for children to develop a deeper understanding of why children can behave negatively towards each other and this in turn helps to resolve conflict before it happens. At Amesbury, we are fortunate that, on the whole, our children are exceptionally respectful and understanding about the well-being of others but of course there is always learning to be done and Anti-Bullying Week gives us the opportunity to highlight kindness across the school.
Next week we turn our tutor focus to supporting #Black Lives Matter and will be continuing to look at the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance.
Carrie Munday, Well-Being and Mental Health Lead