Safeguarding at Amesbury
About Amesbury
At Amesbury, safeguarding is embedded in our culture, ensuring everyone feels secure. We foster openness for reporting concerns and rigorously train staff. Collaborative efforts with external agencies solidify our commitment to safety.
Any general concerns should, in the first instance, be communicated to the DSL or DDSLs. If you have a safeguarding concern about a member of staff, contact the Head. Any safeguarding concerns about the Head should be referred to the Chair of Governors, Ms Karen Davies.
Jill Tait-Harris
Safeguarding Governor
Michael Armitage
Deputy Head and DSL
Gavin Franklin
Nick Randall
Tutor and DDSL
Jo Clark
Head of Mental Health & Wellbeing and DDSL
Tony Sharps
E-Safety Officer
Stuart Brown
Head of Boarding
Tan Rathmell
Head of SEND
Sarah Page
Head of Upper Prep
Michelle Thurley
Head of Little Amesbury and DDSL
Sam Hopwood
Head of Pre-Prep and DDSL
Lucy Noe
Head of Lower Prep and DDSL
Lucy Ashton
Head of Middle Prep and DDSL