Providing a balanced sports curriculum


Sport (Physical Education and Games) is seen as very important at Amesbury. All sports are compulsory and there are fixtures for everyone.

Although the school follows its own curriculum, the main strands tie in very closely with the National Curriculum, and importantly, the “Every Child Matters” outcome. All pupils from Nursery through to Year 8 are taught Physical Education by specialist PE staff. Pupils are offered a broad range of stimulating activities geared towards improving physical ability, confidence and developing relationships with others.

The aim of the Games Department is to provide a balanced curriculum of team and individual activities which allows each student to gain an understanding of his or her own physical ability and to provide experiences which help to promote character. By the end of Year 8, it is envisaged that each student will have had the opportunity to participate in a variety of experiences with the intention of discovering at least one area of enjoyment which could be continued beyond directed lessons. We are also improving the use of Computing within sport – pupils can receive real-time visual feedback of their performance through the use of video analysis. A bank of videos and images are available to use as effective learning aids to enhance pupils’ experience of sport.

Nursery – Year 2

Children in Nursery to Year 2 are guided towards developing confidence in a sporting setting. Lessons are taught in the Sports Hall, on the astro turf and outside using a variety of equipment. PE and Games are separated; PE lessons are based around fundamental movement skills, agility, co-ordination and balance. Games lessons follow the seasonal sports. There are no fixtures with opposite schools in this age group. FUN is fundamental not winning!

Years 3 – 8

Pupils in Years 3 to 8 are offered a range of activities across the year, where alongside the practical elements found in each sport, the theory behind safe practice, how physical activity can contribute towards a healthy lifestyle and an introduction to the role and functions of the body are also delivered.

Years 3 to 6 are offered team building, basketball, gymnastics, swimming and athletics. Years 7 and 8 are offered health related fitness, tchouk ball, trampolining, lacrosse and athletics.

Image of pupils playing netball
School children walking away shot

Head of Sport and Health

Bio pending

School children walking away shot

Second in Charge of Sport

Grant Rouse completed his BSc (Hons) degree in Sport & Exercise Science from the University of Gloucestershire, before completing his GTP through the University of Southampton. He continues to play Hockey for Basingstoke Mens 1st XI and Cricket for Liphook & Ripsley Mens 1st XI, allowing him to keep up to date with these sports.